Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hi,my name is John Lennon and yes I've heard that joke before

Well I'm finally starting a blog. My wife Gina has told me for a while to write a blog because I have alot of ideas but I'm just now starting one. It should be interesting and I hope alot of you enjoy reading it. My goal is to write a couple of blogs a week to start. I have a famous name so maybe I will get a few followers from that at least! :)
Speaking of having a famous name,yes I do have a very famous name and it has made life interesting for sure. I can't go to the store and write a check or show my id or anything where someone sees my name without getting a joke or some kind of comment. Oh it's not so bad now that the famous John Lennon has been dead for over 30 years. Some of the kids today don't even know about John Lennon or the beatles. Most people though do know about John Lennon. I mean we're talking about the biggest band in the history of music! So there I am somewhere and someone reads my name from my drivers license. Next thing its like "How is Yoko doing?" or "What would it take to reunite the beatles? 2 more bullets!" The punchline to that joke used to be 3 bullets until George Harrison died a few years ago. :) Heck even my sister in law refers to my wife as Yoko and one of my best friends calls me Ringo! Now the cool thing is I am a big beatles and John Lennon fan so that makes it alot easier to deal with. It bothered me more when I was a kid, but I guess I have mellowed some as I have gotten older. (My wife might disagree with me on that one!) Most people liked John Lennon so I think the joking is all in good fun. I do get asked alot if my parents intentionally named me after John Lennon and I always say yes, but honestly I've never asked them. Really I'm pretty fortunate to be named after him because I do love the beatles and I'm a huge music fan in general.

Ok...I've gotten my feet wet with this blogging thing and hopefully I will have many more to come.

God Bless, John